Mentor with

Mohamed ElZaree

👋🏼 About Me

I am a Seasoned Virtuoso Business Leader, with significant knowledge and passion for leading and developing cross-functional teams in pilot projects and start-up initiatives from idea generation and minimum viable product to scaling and financial sustainability. I have over 17 years of global commercial work experience, including business management, sales leadership, and strategic marketing, with hands-on knowledge of using SaaS CRM tools and cloud-based business transformation systems. During my sales and business development roles, I have worked on corporate strategy projects related to product development, product management, and solution sales (Value Proposition Formulation for different markets, industries, and customers including B2B and B2C solutions). I am also a certified Master Trainer for Sales Development from GrowthMatters International, and Life Coaching from the International Youth Foundation).

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Daily schedule planning and maximizing the impact of your time and efforts

Whether you are an entrepreneur, a solopreneur, or a corporate manager, one of your daily battles will be finding the right balance between execution and strategy.

The execution approach can vastly vary from responding to customers, guiding team members, joining meetings. Strategy formation means finding time to cool down and think about your future steps to plan for your next week, month, or quarter.

I can help with coaching and providing models that can assist you on how to manage your time efficiently and effectively, focusing on the habit of building a daily schedule to prioritize your activities in a way that can allow you to decrease the stress occurring from fighting daily fires and have a clear mind to take control of your agenda.

Start-up Management and Go-to-market strategies

The main challenge for start-up entrepreneurs and solopreneurs is to establish a solid plan to support their market growth and generate revenue.

Through my knowledge as an entrepreneur and a founder of an EdTech company, I can coach and guide new business owners on the parameters needed to manage their expenses successfully, identify key markets to focus on during the first years of operations, understand key market trends, and design solutions to suit the target markets using key selling points or what we call “Value Proposition”.

Business Planning and Revenue Generation

Another area where new business owners, or business unit leaders, struggle is aligning their cost structure with their desired revenue growth models.

That’s where we will look at building or scrutinizing the company’s financial model, discussing all the expenses, and making realistic yet challenging revenue scenarios to ensure that we calculate the profits and breakeven analysis that would allow the company to grow steadily and sustainably at all times.

Sales, Business Development, and Account Management

We now made the business plan, established a clear understanding of the marketing strategy, and understood market dynamics. But WE NEED TO EXECUTE NOW!

Focusing on our target markets, assigning accounts, thinking of geographic areas, establishing a robust business development plan, and working with customer accounts is what will make you capture business. These efforts are what we call “lead parameters” and they require a clear plan, daily committed efforts, and resilient mental strength to work on them without feeling tired or hopeless.

We know the devil always lies in details, and so that is the discussion where we will start thinking of how to do the work to make money and spread our wings.

In summary, what you can ask me about is

✔️  Start-up and Business Line Executive Coaching
✔️  Business Plan formation (P&L and Revenue/Cost analysis)
✔️  Marketing strategies and Solution selling
✔️  Sales execution plans and setting KPIs


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